Course Lectures and Invited Tutorials

Lecturer at University of Birmingham on "Satellite Navigation" as part of their post graduate course on "Navigation", 1979-81.

Lecturer at University of Birmingham on "Kalman Filters for GPS" as part of their post graduate course "Introduction to Kalman Filtering", 1982-90.

Lecturer at University of Birmingham on "Adaptive Antennas" as part of their post graduate course "Radar Signal Processing", 1988-1994.

Lecturer at Carl-Cranz Gesellschaft eV, Oberpfaffenhofen, West Germany on "Adaptive Antennas" for their course "Modern Microwave Antenna Technology for Radar and Communications", October 1989.

Lecturer on "Kalman Filters" for IEE Vacation School on "Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Devices and Application", University of Leicester, March 1990.

Invited Tutorial Lecturer on "Adaptive Antenna Signal Processing" for IEEE as part of International Radar Conference, Washington, 1990.

Lecturer on "Matrix Techniques" for IEE Tutorial on "Digital Signal Processing", University of Birmingham, September 1990.

Lecturer on "Adaptive Antennas" for 17th Queen Mary and Westfield College Antenna Symposium, April 1991.

Lecturer on "Matrix Theory" and "Numerical Linear Algebra", for IEE Vacation School on "Adaptive Signal Processing", University of Birmingham, September 1993.

Lecturer on "The Technolgy Drivers of High Performance Communications Networks" for the " Introduction to IP Networks" module of the Telecommunications MSc course at University College London, October 2002.

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